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Senin, 08 September 2014
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Cara menghitung PPh Badan Usaha dengan Sistem Fasilitas dan Non Fasilitas
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Sebelum menghitung berapa jumlah PPh badan usaha kita harus mengetahui berapa HPP nya untuk menghitung HPP adalah sebagai berikut |
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Harga Pokok Penjualan (HPP) = Persedian Awal + Pembelian - Persediaan Akhir | |
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Contoh: | | | | | |
Persediaan Awal | Rp ,200,000,000 | | | | |
Pembelian | Rp ,300,000,000 | | | | |
Biaya Angkut | Rp 125,000,000 | | | | |
| | Rp ,625,000,000 | | | |
Persediaan Akhir | Rp 350,000,000 | | | | |
Laba Netto/HPP | | Rp3,275,000,000 | | | |
| | | | | |
PPh | | | | | |
Penjualan | Rp5,200,000,000 | | | | |
HPP | Rp3,275,000,000 | | | | |
Laba Broto | Rp ,925,000,000 | | | | |
Biaya Usaha | Rp1,800,000,000 | | | | |
laba PHKP | Rp 125,000,000 | | | | |
| | | | | |
PPh Terutang | Fasilitas | Rp ,800,000,000 | x | Rp 25,000,000 | Rp115,384,615 |
| | Rp ,200,000,000 |
| | Rp 115,384,615 | x | 25% x 50% | Rp14,423,076.92 |
| | | | | |
| Non Fasilitas | Rp 125,000,000 | - | Rp115,384,615 | Rp 9,615,385 |
| | Rp 9,615,385 | x | 25% | Rp2,403,846.15 |
| | | | | |
| Pokok Pajak | Rp 14,423,077 | + | Rp 2,403,846 | Rp16,826,923 |
| | | | | |
Bagaimana jika PPh ternyata di stor tanggal 3 Mei 2013, PPh tahunan terutang distor 4 Mei 2013, Berapa sanksinya? |
Sanksi | | | | | |
Bunga = | Rp 16,826,923 | x 2% | = | Rp 336,538.46 | |
Denda = | Rp 1,000,000 | (Ketentuan) | = | Rp 1,000,000 | |
Jumlah yang harus dibayar | | = | Rp 1,336,538 | |
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